Interested in learning how to use dreams for guidance and healing? Join the Alchemical Dreamers’ Guild for a for a 4-day, 3-night immersion in ancient dream incubation practices in one of the most beautiful natural settings in North America.
We will engage in nighttime dream incubation practices, dream groups, storytelling, and interpersonal meditation (authentic relating) practices to invite the dreams of healing & spiritual opening that may come. There will also be time for relaxation and joyful exploration–after a long year staring at screens, this is your chance to decompress, rejuvenate, and experience meaningful connection with other dreamers!
Camping in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, 3 hours from Raleigh-Durham, with breathtaking views. Alongside a river and surrounded by green hills, we will be on a former 18th century homestead in Catawba, VA (near Roanoke) that is accessible to most vehicles (no 4WD required). The location is 5 minutes from the famous Dragon’s Tooth trailhead on the Appalachian Trail and other natural wonders.
New to camping? With the right gear, camping can be a joyful and restful experience. Please call us if you’d like some help preparing–we’re glad to share what works. The land has a toilet within a 3 minute walk. In addition to the river, a hot shower is also available by appointment, with a $5 fee, a 5 minute walk from our campsite. Our sessions will take place inside one of two screened picnic tents.
Fall Equinox: Friday, September 18 – Monday, September 21, 2020.
We will begin at 12pm on Friday, September 18 and end our last group at 10am on Monday, September 21. No late arrivals or early departures. There will be time in the schedule on at least two days to relax and enjoy the surroundings!
A small group of avid dreamers associated with the Alchemical Dreamers’ Guild, with 2 facilitators. The retreat will be capped at 12 participants, (although the number appears to be closer to 6 this year). Newcomers welcome!
The intention of this retreat is to host a sacred space for dreams of healing, release & spiritual opening, in a community of dedicated dreamers. There is a secondary intent to celebrate the spectacular beauty of our surroundings and the joy of community through hikes, authentic relating, and shared meals.
In ancient Greece, those seeking healing would flock to temples of the underworld god Asklepius. They would sleep in special temple dormitories among dogs and snakes, with the hope that the god Asklepius or his messengers would appear to them in a dream, healing them. Although there were temple priests with whom to share the dreams, the healing was often literal in the dreams. For example, the god Asklepius might appear in a vision and touch the body part needing healing: no interpretation needed. The intent of this retreat is to offer space for ritual dream incubation reminiscent of the ancient Greek dream practices, but with the important difference that here are no temple priests or snakes. We will engage in nighttime dream incubation practices, dream groups, and interpersonal meditation (authentic relating) practices to invite the dreams of healing & spiritual opening that may come.
$450. Registration includes one hot meal per day (dinner), a spot for your tent with breathtaking views, and the 3-night, 4-day retreat!
Fall Package Option: Interested in the Healing Dreams Retreat plus six months of Personal Development Coaching with Benjamin? For those who would like the complete package (Private Coaching + Asklepian Healing Dreams Retreat), we’re offering a special package price of $1,950, a combined discount of $300! (See more details on the Sleep & Dream Mastery Coaching Program by clicking here.)
We prefer payment via Personal Check made out to Navigate Change, LLC. Please let us know you’re joining by phone or email and mail checks to:
Navigate Change, LLC
PO Box 21371
Durham, NC 27703
Or, send payment via PayPal to:
Questions & FAQ:
Questions? Please contact us at (303) 847-5263 or send us a message here for more details.
The site is flat (surrounded by mountains) and has an outdoor composting toilet and the option of a pay-per-use indoor hot shower. We recommend you bring a solar shower and Dr. Bronner’s biodegradable soap for hygiene.
We will provide one fire-cooked vegetarian meal per day for the group; please bring your other meals.
We will provide a list of items to bring to all who register. Important items include:
Tent, sleeping bag, flashlight, solar shower (if desired), bathing suit, hiking shoes, and your dream journal!

Benjamin Whitehurst, M.A., is founder of the Alchemical Dreamers’ Guild (DreamCircling.Com) and NC Regional Representative for the International Association for the Study of Dreams. In addition to traveling widely as a skilled dreamwork facilitator, Benjamin is a former Peace Corps volunteer, proficient in Spanish, Portuguese and Kaqchikel Mayan. Benjamin holds a Masters of Transpersonal Counseling Psychology from Naropa University along with certification in Integral Circling from the Integral Center in Boulder, Colorado.

Link Freedom is a Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist with over 7 years of experience. A Healing Arts Professional, Qi Gong Instructor, Shamanic Practitioner, and world traveller. He has undergone extensive training in Neuromuscular Massage, Freedom Bodywork, Core Shamanism, Clinical Qi Gong, Tarot Reading, and Somatics healing practices. He received his Level 1 Certification in Dreamwork from the Alchemical Dreamer’s Guild.