Are you interested in setting up a powerful dreamwork retreat for your community? The Alchemical Dreamers’ Guild is a group of masterful dreamwork facilitators based out of North Carolina, available to serve your community.
Our dreamwork retreats combine relational practices (authentic relating, interpersonal meditations) with traditional dreamwork for a depth of experience that may feel new and refreshing to you. We seek to build a deep field of connection in which dreamwork can come alive and transform lives. Whether you are seeking to establish a new dream group, or you have been with the same group for 30 years, Alchemical Dreamers’ Guild retreats bring community dreamwork to life.
Preferred Format: Friday night talk, Saturday-Sunday experiential dream workshop.
Suggested Themes (easily adapted to sacred or secular settings):
• Introduction to Dreamwork
• Dreams & Spirituality
• Working with Nightmares
• Extraordinary Dreams
• Introduction to Lucid Dreaming
• Dreaming for Social Change
Where: At your organization. Travel fees apply outside of Durham, NC and Blacksburg, VA.
Why: You (and all people) spend around 30% of your life asleep, dreaming several dreams per night. Dreams set the emotional tone and background imagery for our waking life each day. Dream visions provide us with information needed to move forward—everything from healing imagery to foresight into scientific discoveries. It is no accident that the first written manuscripts of humanity thousands of years ago were dream dictionaries! Dreams are one of the most powerful and least conscious influences on our daily life, and the study of dreams provides a personalized and grounded path toward spiritual awakening. Practicing dreamwork in your community is a time-tested choice for increasing the breadth, depth and sense of connection in your organization.
Please contact us at or via Facebook, if you are interested in setting up a retreat or workshop with us.
Benjie, Good luck today on the Spring/Summer Retreat! I only wish I could join and participate. My own dreams and my participation in groups have helped so much in becoming more self-aware and understanding where I fit in this ‘crazy’ and ‘wonderful’ life we are living. You are such an insightful and articulate supporter of all that come to share their dreams. Thank you for your dedication and knowledge. Nancy English