2021 International Association for the Study of Dreams 37th International Conference

Hosted online from Sunday, June 13 through Thursday, June 17, 2021.

Don’t get confused by the word “conference” – this is a huge 5-day gathering and retreat with the world’s most inspired dreamworkers. Imagine a gathering with nearly 400 dream artists, researchers, lucid dreamers, authors. If you’re looking for inspiration, this is the place to be.

About the Conference

Please join us, along with 5 world renowned keynote speakers and more than 130 presentations from over 100 presenters around the globe. It is more than just a conference; even in its virtual format, it will be an extravaganza of fascinating presentations and special events.

Everyone is welcome – whether you are a professional, a dreamworker, or just a curious or interested dreamer. The program features peer reviewed presentations and workshops, in a multidisciplinary program including the scientific, psychological, spiritual, artistic, healing, lucid and extraordinary, ethnic and cultural aspects of dreaming and a lot of fun events such as an opening reception, a Dream Art Exhibition and reception, the annual PSI Dreaming Contest, and the ever-popular costume Dream Ball. This year’s featured tracks include Dreams and Ethnicity and Dreams and The Arts. For the latter, we plan some special events in conjunction with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.


  • Registration – for the virtual conference, fees have been deeply reduced and the need for hotel and meal reservations eliminated. Normally an in-person conference could cost between $460 – $630 for registration (depending on member / student / income status) with an additional cost of a hotel, meals and transportation.  The virtual format provides affordable access, at roughly half the registration fees, in the comfort of your living room.
  • Program & Schedule – the scheduled dates and times remain essentially the same: Sunday through Thursday, June 13 through 17 and will remain on Pacific US time. It will feature the same keynotes and invited presenters and the same live interactive symposia, panels, workshops, morning dream groups, and special events as had been planned for the onsite program – but in a virtual Zoom format. See the program schedule for updates.
  • Call for Presentations – the Poster session (submissions now due March 15, 2021) has been converted to a Hot off the Press format of short talks (10 minutes plus 5 minutes Q&A).
  • Volunteers – volunteer positions will change from onsite to Zoom based support roles in 2 areas: Room Monitors and Help Desk. Existing approved onsite volunteers have priority in converting to these virtual positions, however the volunteer application form will be changed so that new volunteers can apply as well if there are open positions. The application fee will be returned in full (free conference) once the duties are completed.
  • Art Exhibit  – the Art Exhibit will continue, but as an online exhibit. Submission deadline is March 15, 2021. Go to the Call for Art Submissions page for details.